Recursos electrónicos sobre métodos de investigación
SAGE Research MethodsEste enlace se abre en una nueva ventanaContiene recursos de referencia, artículos de revista y videos sobre métodos de investigación. Cubre diferentes áreas temáticas como ciencia, tecnología, medicina, humanidades y ciencias sociales.
Idiomas: Inglés
SAGE Project PlannerThis tool is designed to guide you through your research project. First, think about what stage you're at in your research. If you've already gotten started, click on the stage below that best describes where you are. If you're just starting out, it might be helpful to read more about why we do research before getting started.
Introduction to Educational Research Por W. (William) Newton SuterIntroduction to Educational Research: A Critical Thinking Approach 2e is an engaging and informative core text that enables students to think clearly and critically about the scientific process of research. In achieving its goal to make research accessible to all educators and equip them with the skills to understand and evaluate published research, the text examines how educational research is conducted across the major traditions of quantitative, qualitative, mixed methods and action research. The text is oriented toward consumers of educational research and uses a thinking-skills approach to its coverage of major ideas. 2e is an engaging and informative core text that enables students to think clearly and critically about the scientific process of research. In achieving its goal to make research accessible to all educators and equip them with the skills to understand and evaluate published research, the text examines how educational research is conducted across the major traditions of quantitative, qualitative, mixed methods and action research. The text is oriented toward consumers of educational research and uses a thinking-skills approach to its coverage of major ideas. W. Newton Suter received his Ph.D. in Educational Psychology in 1983 from Stanford University. He is Professor in Educational Foundations in the Department of Educational Leadership at the University of Arkansas
ISBN: 9781412995733
Fecha de publicación: 2011-10-11
Research Methods in Education Por Louis Cohen; Lawrence Manion; Keith MorrisonThis thoroughly updated and extended eighth edition of the long-running bestseller Research Methods in Education covers the whole range of methods employed by educational research at all stages. Its five main parts cover: the context of educational research; research design; methodologies for educational research; methods of data collection; and data analysis and reporting. It continues to be the go-to text for students, academics and researchers who are undertaking, understanding and using educational research, and has been translated into several languages. It offers plentiful and rich practical advice, underpinned by clear theoretical foundations, research evidence and up-to-date references, and it raises key issues and questions for researchers planning, conducting, reporting and evaluating research. This edition contains new chapters on: Mixed methods research The role of theory in educational research Ethics in Internet research Research questions and hypotheses Internet surveys Virtual worlds, social network software and netography in educational research Using secondary data in educational research Statistical significance, effect size and statistical power Beyond mixed methods: using Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) to integrate cross-case and within-case analyses. Research Methods in Education is essential reading for both the professional researcher and anyone involved in educational and social research. The book is supported by a wealth of online materials, including PowerPoint slides, useful weblinks, practice data sets, downloadable tables and figures from the book, and a virtual, interactive, self-paced training programme in research methods. These resources can be found at:
ISBN: 9781315456515
Fecha de publicación: 2017-10-12
Research Methods in Education Por Joseph W. Check; Russell K. SchuttResearch Methods in Education is an innovative new text for teaching introductory research methods that addresses emerging instructional needs. It weaves actual research "stories" into the presentation of research topics, and it emphasizes validity, authenticity, and practical significance as overarching research goals. This tripartite conceptual framework honours traditional quantitative approaches while reflecting the growing popularity of qualitative studies, mixed method designs, and school-based techniques. The text is divided into three sections: Foundations of Research (5 chapters), Research Design and Data Collection (7 chapters), and Analyzing and Reporting Data (3 chapters). Together they provide a comprehensive, conceptually unified, and well-written introduction to the exciting but complex field of educational research. Features and Benefits - Each chapter begins with a research question that is addressed throughout the chapter to maintain students interest as the chapter develops - Examples of published research studies related to the opening question are then used as examples throughout the chapter. - Chapters conclude with a section on ethical considerations for the topics covered in that chapter. - Abundant end-of-chapter questions and exercises in 4 sets: Discussion Questions, Practice Exercises, Web Exercises, and Developing a Research Proposal - Strong ancillary support for instructors and students with testbank and PowerPoint slides, SAGE journal articles, self-quizzes, interactive exercises, and more.
ISBN: 9781412940092
Fecha de publicación: 2011-10-27
The SAGE International Handbook of Educational Evaluation Por Katherine E. Ryan; J. Bradley CousinsThe Handbook of Educational Evaluation brings together the experience of top evaluation leaders around the world to present and discuss the core methods and applications of educational evaluation, particularly as they relate to subsequent policy- and decision-making in all educational contexts. The volume is shaped by core guiding questions that seek to understand issues such as change in educational evaluation, evidence-based research, the relationship between evaluation and audit cultures, stakeholders in educational evaluation, accountability and assessment, and, ultimately, what the obligations and responsibilities of educational evaluators are in any given setting or context. A key theme that runs throughout this comprehensive volume includes how globalization is shaping international policies for educational evaluation, assessment, and testing as well as curriculum and instruction. The volume is invaluable for graduate students, professionals, and researchers in evaluation, particularly educational or policy evaluation.
ISBN: 9781412940689
Fecha de publicación: 2009-07-15
The Wiley Handbook of Action Research in Education Por Craig A. Mertler (Editor)Comprehensive overview of the theoretical, conceptual, and applied/practical presentations of action research as it is found and conducted solely in educational settings The Wiley Handbook of Action Research in Education is the first book to offer theoretical, conceptual, and applied/practical presentations of action research as it is found and conducted solely in educational settings. Covering primarily PK-12 educational settings, the book utilizes a cross-section of international authors and presentations to provide global perspectives on action research in education. Part I of The Wiley Handbook of Action Research in Education focuses on various foundational aspects and issues related to action research. Part II is centered on chapters that present theories and principles that help to guide the use of action research in educational contexts. Part III focuses on specific applications of educational action research in practice. Part IV provides an outlet for seven educational practitioners to share their experiences in conducting action research. Each of these authors also discusses the importance and value that action research has had on him or her, both professionally and personally. Discuss action research in PK-12, as well as in higher education settings The first book to focus on the importance and application of action research exclusively in educational settings Offers world perspectives on action research in education Written by a team of international scholars The Wiley Handbook of Action Research in Education is an excellent book for advanced undergraduate students, graduate students, and scholars studying and/or researching educational action research.
ISBN: 9781119399469
Fecha de publicación: 2019-02-06
Theory and Method in Higher Education Research Por Jeroen Huisman (Editor); Malcolm Tight (Editor)Higher education research is a developing field internationally, which is attracting more and more researchers from a great variety of disciplinary backgrounds within and beyond higher education institutions. As such, it is an arena within which a wide range of theories, methods and methodologies is being applied. This volume of Theory and Method in Higher Education Research contains analyses and discussions of, amongst others, disability frameworks, rhythms research, loose coupling, mixed methods, internet-mediated research, critical whiteness and selection bias.
ISBN: 9781838678418
Fecha de publicación: 2019-10-07
Recursos impresos sobre métodos de investigación
Encyclopedia of Case Study Research Por Albert J. Mills (Editor); Gabrielle Durepos (Editor); Elden Wiebe (Editor)Case study methodology has a relatively long history within the sciences, social sciences, and humanities. Dating back to medical research in the early 1930s and the advent of the case history, case study research was initially viewed as useful for assisting researchers in making valid inferences from events outside the lab in ways yet consistent with the rigorous methodology of laboratory science.á As such, it gained in importance as a research strategy for identifying rich sources of data, developing into a technique that combines both qualitative and quantitative research.á Although initially rooted within a sciences approach, the case study gained even wider popularity within the social sciences and has been found to be especially valuable in such practice-oriented fields as education, management, public administration, and the human services.Despite this long history and widespread use, case study research has received perhaps the least attention among the various methodologies in the social scientist′s research arsenal.á Only a few texts deal directly with it as a central subject, and no encyclopedic reference provides a thorough overview of design and methods in case study research as guidance for students, researchers, and professionals trying to incorporate case studies into a rigorous research project or program.á This work is intended to be that authoritative resource.
Número de clasificación: 001.432 E56
ISBN: 9781412956703
Fecha de publicación: 2009-10-21
Encyclopedia of Educational Research Por Harold Mitzel (Editor)
Número de clasificación: 370.3 M753e2a
ISBN: 0029004500
Fecha de publicación: 1982-09-01
Metodología de la investigación : las rutas cuantitativa, cualitativa y mixta Por Roberto Hernández Sampieri
Número de clasificación: 001.42 H558ma 2018
ISBN: 9781456260965
Fecha de publicación: 2018
Qualitative Research from Start to Finish Por Robert K. YinThis lively, practical text presents a fresh and comprehensive approach to doing qualitative research. The book offers a unique balance of theory and clear-cut choices for customizing every phase of a qualitative study. A scholarly mix of classic and contemporary studies from multiple disciplines provides compelling, field-based examples of the full range of qualitative approaches. Readers learn about adaptive ways of designing studies, collecting data, analyzing data, and reporting findings. Key aspects of the researcher's craft are addressed, such as fieldwork options, the five phases of data analysis (with and without using computer-based software), and how to incorporate the researcher's "declarative" and "reflective" selves into a final report. Ideal for graduate-level courses, the text includes: * Discussions of ethnography, grounded theory, phenomenology, feminist research, and other approaches. * Instructions for creating a study bank to get a new study started. * End-of-chapter exercises and a semester-long, field-based project. * Quick study boxes, research vignettes, sample studies, and a glossary. * Previews for sections within chapters, and chapter recaps. * Discussion of the place of qualitative research among other social science methods, including mixed methods research.