Marco Curricular del Programa de Matemáticas del DEPR del 2003Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico
Departamento de Educación
Subsecretaría para Asuntos Académicos
Secretaría Auxiliar de Servicios Académicos
Instituto nacional para el Desarrollo Curricular
Advanced Mathematical Thinking Por David Tall (Editor)This book is the first major study of advanced mathematical thinking as performed by mathematicians and taught to students in senior high school and university. Topics covered include the psychology of advanced mathematical thinking, the processes involved, mathematical creativity, proof, the role of definitions, symbols, and reflective abstraction. It is highly appropriate for the college professor in mathematics or the general mathematics educator.
ISBN: 9780306472039
Fecha de publicación: 2006-04-11
Didactical Phenomenology of Mathematical Structures Por Hans FreudenthalThe launch ofa new book series is always a challenging eventn ot only for the Editorial Board and the Publisher, but also, and more particularly, for the first author. Both the Editorial Board and the Publisher are delightedt hat the first author in this series isw ell able to meet the challenge. Professor Freudenthal needs no introduction toanyone in the Mathematics Education field and it is particularly fitting that his book should be the first in this new series because it was in 1968 that he, and Reidel, produced the first issue oft he journal Edu cational Studies in Mathematics. Breakingfresh ground is therefore nothing new to Professor Freudenthal and this book illustrates well his pleasure at such a task. To be strictly correct the 'ground' which he has broken here is not new, but aswith Mathematics as an Educational Task and Weeding and Sowing, it is rather the novelty oft he manner in which he has carried out his analysis which provides us with so many fresh perspectives. It is our intention that this new book series should provide those who work int he emerging discipline of mathematicseducation with an essential resource, and at a time of considerable concern about the whole mathematics cu rriculum this book represents just such resource. ALAN J. BISHOP Managing Editor vii A LOOK BACKWARD AND A LOOK FORWARD Men die, systems last.
ISBN: 9780306472350
Fecha de publicación: 2006-04-11
Revisiting Mathematics Education Por Hans FreudenthalThis book is a product of love and respect. If that sounds rather odd I initially apologise, but let me explain why I use those words. The original manuscript was of course Freudenthal's, but his colleagues have carried the project through to its conclusion with love for the man, and his ideas, and with a respect developed over years of communal effort. Their invitation to me to write this Preface e- bles me to pay my respects to the great man, although I am probably incurring his wrath for writing a Preface for his book without his permission! I just hope he understands the feelings of all colleagues engaged in this particular project. Hans Freudenthal died on October 13th, 1990 when this book project was well in hand. In fact he wrote to me in April 1988, saying "I am thinking about a new book. I have got the sub-title (China Lectures) though I still lack a title". I was astonished. He had retired in 1975, but of course he kept working. Then in 1985 we had been helping him celebrate his 80th birthday, and although I said in an Editorial Statement in Educational Studies in Mathematics (ESM) at the time "we look forward to him enjoying many more years of non-retirement" I did not expect to see another lengthy manuscript.
ISBN: 9780306472022
Fecha de publicación: 2006-04-11
Perspectives on Design and Development of School Mathematics Curricula Por Christian Hirsch (Editor)Prepared in conjunction with the Center for the Study of Mathematics Curriculum and with support from the National Science Foundation, Perspectives on the Design and Development of School Mathematics Curricula offers multiple perspectives on the design and development of Standards-based curricula by fifteen comprehensive curriculum development projects. The book represents more than fifteen years of work on the part of teams of mathematics curriculum developers in designing, developing, testing and revising innovative curriculum materials for grades K-12. The curricula that evolved out of these projects represent an approach to mathematics teaching and learning that is qualitatively different from conventional practise in content, priorities, organisation and approaches. The insight in this volume provides invaluable guidance to current and future curriculum developers and curriculum users.
Disponible en la Reserva de la Biblioteca Gerardo Sellés Solá
Número de clasificación: 510.71 P4671
ISBN: 9780873535991
Fecha de publicación: 2007-06-30
Yearbook Por National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.Disponible en la Reserva de la Biblioteca Gerardo Sellés Solá
Número de clasificación: 510.7 N277y 66th
ISBN: 0077-4103
Fecha de publicación: 2004
Herramientas Educativas
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ACRL Framework for Information Literacy ToolkitThe ACRL Framework for Information Literacy Toolkit was initially launched in 2017 by the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy Advisory Board to support professional use and understanding of the Framework.
The Framework Toolkit is intended as a freely available professional development resource that can be used and adapted by both individuals and groups in order to foster understanding and use of the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education.
Open Educational Resources (OER)Open Educational Resources (OER) are teaching, learning and research materials in any medium – digital or otherwise – that reside in the public domain or have been released under an open license that permits no-cost access, use, adaptation and redistribution by others with no or limited restrictions.
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Using Educational Technology — 21st Century Supports for English LearnersThis toolkit is for all educators—including teachers and administrators—who want to use technology to help their English learners gain proficiency in English and meet academic goals. In choosing to use technology, educators should recognize the supports offered and the constraints of any technology in the context of their own students and their needs. The toolkit offers five guiding principles for educators to apply in exploring new ways of working with and supporting their English learners through technology, starting with recognizing their students’ unique needs and thinking through to the best technologies to help meet those needs.
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Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP)The Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS) understands the many challenges still facing individuals with disabilities and their families. Therefore, OSERS is committed to improving results and outcomes for people with disabilities of all ages. OSERS supports programs that serve millions of children, youth and adults with disabilities.
Exhibición del Día de la Niña y la Mujer en las Ciencias, febrero de 2023
Celebrando la vida 2023
Los días 19 y 25 de noviembre se conmemoran, respectivamente, el Día de la Puertorriqueñidad y el Día Internacional de la Eliminación de la Violencia contra la Mujer. Para conmemorar estas dos fechas importantes, la Biblioteca Gerardo Sellés Solá organizó el evento Celebrando la Vida.